After performing a base install of CentOS 6 using the minimal install CD, you may find that a lot of commands that you would expect are not there. Do the following to install additional, basic Linux packages that are common to most Linux distributions:
# yum groupinstall "Base" |
Run the following in order to see detailed information including a description and which packages it will install.
# yum groupinfo "Base" Group: Base Description: The basic installation of CentOS Linux. Mandatory Packages: alsa-utils at authconfig bc bind-utils centos-indexhtml crontabs cyrus-sasl-plain dbus ed file logrotate lsof man ntsysv parted pciutils psacct quota setserial tmpwatch traceroute Default Packages: abrt-addon-ccpp abrt-addon-kerneloops abrt-addon-python abrt-cli acpid b43-fwcutter biosdevname blktrace bridge-utils bzip2 cpuspeed cryptsetup-luks dmraid dosfstools eject ethtool fprintd-pam gnupg2 hunspell hunspell-en irqbalance kexec-tools ledmon libaio lvm2 man-pages man-pages-overrides mdadm microcode_ctl mlocate mtr nano ntp ntpdate openssh-clients pam_passwdqc pcmciautils pinfo plymouth pm-utils prelink rdate readahead rfkill rng-tools rsync scl-utils setuptool smartmontools sos strace sysstat system-config-firewall-tui system-config-network-tui systemtap-runtime tcpdump tcsh time unzip usbutils vconfig vim-enhanced virt-what wget which wireless-tools words xz yum-plugin-security yum-utils zip Optional Packages: PyPAM audispd-plugins brltty cpupowerutils device-mapper-persistent-data dos2unix dumpet ecryptfs-utils edac-utils genisoimage gpm kabi-yum-plugins kernel-doc linuxptp logwatch mkbootdisk mtools ncurses-term nss_db oddjob pax python-dmidecode python-volume_key rsyslog-gnutls rsyslog-gssapi rsyslog-relp sgpio sox squashfs-tools star tboot tunctl udftools unix2dos uuidd volume_key wodim x86info yum-plugin-aliases yum-plugin-changelog yum-plugin-downloadonly yum-plugin-tmprepo yum-plugin-verify yum-plugin-versionlock yum-presto zsh |
There are additional package groups that may be useful in order to easily setup a particular service. To see a list of all the installed and available package groups:
# yum grouplist |
My System Configuration
- CentOS 6.5 x86 64-bit